Ms Bruckner falls for an American boy. Unfortunately, the werewolves do not approve. Things go from bad to worse ...
Murphy is the same wise-cracking asshole he plays in all his 1980s films. But he is very toned down here - less swearing and violence. A more family-friendly version.
Swank's friend, a priest, sends her to the Deep South where a river has turned into blood. This also happened in an episode of American Gothic , which is exactly what this town is reminiscent of. Local man David Morrissey ( Walking Dead: Season 3 ) helps her.
The film is made up of lots of bits from far better films. It is predictable and cliched. For example, her sidekick is the token non-white character - what are the chances that he makes it to the end of the film?
Ginger ( Katherine Isabelle ) and her sister arrive at an isolated Canadian trading post some time in the 1800s. The place is besieged by werewolves, but the real danger is within.
Ginger ( Katherine Isabelle ) is gone, but she can appear to her sister in visions.
Another werewolf is on the prowl. He can smell her, and he wants to mate.
Eli Roth , now regarded as protege of Quentin Tarantino , is now famous for the Hostel series. This is his low-budget debut, as much like Blair Witch Project as anything - more obscure, but with a greater legacy!
The infected water is now being bottled and sold. A batch ends up at the local High School, where it is Prom Night. Yes, at High School it is always Prom - just as in Chinatown it is always Chinese New Year! However, despite the cliché that is actually quite well done. The teenagers are well-written and the cast do a great job of bringing it to life - so to speak. Unfortunately, someone has sent in a clean-up crew with NBC suits and automatic weapons.
Nearby, some American tourists are planning a wedding. The Groom and his buddies head off in a speedboat for a bachelor party. They end up on, by incredible coincidence, the same island as the secret lab. By this stage, the inevitable outbreak has started.
This is a completely unnecessary remake of a movie that basically was not all that good to begin with. The tweenagers are virtually interchangeable, with Gage Golightly as one of the girls. There are a couple of changes. The first is the re-casting of creepy Deputy Winston as a female ( Louise Linton ). Yes, the dialogue is the same but the gender is flipped - and it works! The second change is not so good. The N-word reference, the high point of the original film, is gone. Remember that it was judged so vital to the script that the writer-director could not get funding for many years because he refused to cut that line out.